Western Blind Snake

Leptotyphlops humilis is a blind snake species found in the southwestern United States and northern Mexico. Nine subspecies are currently recognized, including the nominate subspecies described here.

This species, like many of the others in this family, resembles a long earthworm. It lives underground in burrows, and since it has no use for vision, its eyes are mostly vestigial. The western blind snake is pink, purple, or silvery-brown in color, shiny, wormlike, cylindrical and blunt at both ends, and has light-detecting black eyespots. The snake's skull is thick to permit burrowing, and it has a spine at the end of its tail that it uses for leverage. It is usually less than 30 cm (12 in) in length, and is as thin as an earthworm. This species and other blind snakes are fluorescent under low frequency ultraviolet light (black light).

On the top of the head, between the ocular scales, L. humilis has only one scale (L. dulcis has three scales).

Western slender blind snake, western threadsnake, western blind snake.